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  • Your eLicense session will end after 30 minutes of inactivity.
  • The eLicense application can only be open and active in one browser session at a time.
  • For best results, access the eLicense application from a desktop or laptop device using the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser.

New Users to the eLicense Portal

Create a New eLicense.Ohio.Gov Account

You must create a new eLicense.Ohio.Gov account before applying for or renewing a license. Read the options below carefully before creating your account. See the registration guide for more information.

If you hold a license or have previously applied for a license or certificate in Ohio and do not have an eLicense.ohio.gov account, please select "I Have A License". While registering you will need to enter the security code provided by your licensing board.

If you do not hold a license or have not previously applied for a license or certificate in Ohio, please select “I Don’t Have a License”.

If you are creating an account for the purposes of applying for or managing a license with the Casino Control Commission, please click "Licenses Associated with Casino Control Commission"